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George schell, university of north carolina at wilmington. Written by the authors, the im includes suggestions for designing the course and presenting the material. Management information systems 10th edition is wrote by raymond mcleod. Home browse by title books management information systems 10th edition management information systems 10th edition april 2006. Indeed, the last edition of the book was used in over 40 countries and translated into several foreign languages. Management information systems managing the digital firm. Make sure you get your copy of the book published by mcgrawhillirwin and find out more about these systems and how they work. Buy the paperback book management information systems. Free shipping and pickup in store on eligible orders. A comprehensive solution manual for management information systems, 10e by raymond mcleod, george schell, isbn10. Focusing on the role of managers within an organization, the text emphasizes the development of computerbased information systems to support an organizations objectives and strategic plans. Management information systems 10th edition 0 problems solved.
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